September 28, 2009

We were on our own again—Johnny was at work. We mapped out our way to Asakusa to go to the Sensoji Temple. Finding our way TO the subway to get to the Ginza-sen (the Ginza line) took us about a half-hour. We asked Yoshiko-san how to say “subway” in Japanese: chikatetsu. We used the word a lot this day. The Ginza-sen starts in Shibuya and ends in Asakusa (or the other way around) so getting off at the end of each was easy.

We walked around and saw some interesting sights. This is known as the “golden turd”—and, according to the guidebook at the house, it “apparently represents the foam on beer.” Go figure. Brian said it looked like sperm.

The Temple was beee-YU-tiful! Here—take a look for yourselves:

Had lunch at a nice little noodle place and then, we got back on the subway and headed for Ginza. Huge department store buildings. We went into one building that had kimono stuff on the 7th floor. Got home after a good day of walking. Johnny got home from work and he and Yoshiko-san made a terrific steak dinner to end a perfectly great day.

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